315 North Neil Street, Champaign, Illinois
(69 North Neil prior to renumbering)
Opened 31 August 1912 (renamed Crystal Theater)
Closed 15 August 1916

This ad is from the Champaign Daily Gazette of Saturday 24 August 1912. It announced that the old Crystal would reopen on 26 August even though the new name had not yet been chosen.
“The Neil” was announced as the new name of the old Crystal theater in the Champaign Daily Gazette on Saturday, 31 August 1912. 1

Ad from the Champaign Daily Gazette of Saturday 5 September 1914.

Ad from the Champaign Daily Gazette of Saturday 23 January 1915.
This brief notice in the Champaign Daily News of Tuesday, 15 August 1916 announced the closing of the Neil.
"After three years of operation at 315 North Neil street, the Neil theater closed permanently. The manager, Verne Corley, will move his equipment to Chicago with the view of establishing a theater north of that place, or of going into business in some small town in northern Illinois.
Glen Corley was with his brother in the management of the theater."2

Ad from the Champaign Daily Gazette of Wednesday 11 December 1912.

Ad from the Champaign Daily Gazette of Thursday 26 December 1912.

Ad from the Champaign Daily Gazette of Tuesday 17 December 1912.